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over £100,000 raised for mind uk

In 2018, Team Mind took to the ice with a simple goal: use ice hockey to spark ​conversations about mental health. Fast forward to 2024, and we've evolved into Mental ​Health Hockey, embracing a new era of purpose. Our evolution goes beyond two UK All ​Stars championships and £100,000 raised for Mind UK—it's about delving into vital ​dialogues within the hockey community and beyond. As we embark on this fresh ​chapter, we deepen our commitment, recognizing the shared experience of mental ​health struggles.

Our new identity amplifies our mission, allowing us to support more mental health ​charities and make a profound impact. As we embark on this renewed path, we reflect ​on the UK Charity Allstars' remarkable achievement, surpassing £1 million in fundraising ​since 2008. From Dreams Come True to British Heart Foundation, Breast Cancer Now to ​Help for Heroes, our shared efforts have not only benefited numerous charities but have ​also spread positive impact and awareness. We're honoured to contribute to this legacy, ​fostering change both on and off the ice.

At Mental Health Hockey, our team is more than just players; they're individuals who've faced ​mental health challenges first-hand. Selected annually from applicants with personal ​experiences, our players and off-ice volunteers understand the significance of fundraising for ​mental health charities and providing crucial support. They've become exceptional mental ​health ambassadors, fostering a community that openly discusses struggles and raises ​awareness.

Throughout each All Stars 'season,' our team undertakes diverse personal fundraising ​journeys. From running sweepstakes and raffles to taking on extraordinary challenges like ​driving a Tuk-Tuk around the Arctic Circle, each member's effort is a source of immense pride ​for us. If you'd like to support our players through donations, please visit our team section. For ​those interested in sponsoring a player or our team, check out the sponsor section. Together, ​we can make a positive impact on mental health.

Our charities

Andys Man Club

Andys Man Club is a charity that provides support groups for ​men dealing with mental health issues. The organization ​aims to provide a safe space for men to talk openly about ​their feelings and experiences, offering peer-to-peer ​support. They support men who are struggling with various ​mental health challenges, aiming to break the stigma ​surrounding men's mental health and encourage open ​conversations to prevent further tragedies.

Andys Man Clubs meet every Monday at 7pm

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Campaign Against Living Miserably

CALM - The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is ​a UK-based charity focused on preventing male suicide, ​providing support and campaigning for mental health ​awareness. It was founded in 2006 following a surge in ​young male suicides. CALM offers helplines, support ​groups, and campaigns to challenge the stigmas ​surrounding mental health issues. They primarily support ​men who may be going through tough times, aiming to ​provide them with the resources and support needed to ​prevent suicide and promote mental well-being.

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Mind UK

Mind UK is a mental health charity founded in 1946. ​They support individuals dealing with mental health ​issues by providing information, advice, and support. ​Their focus is on raising awareness, offering ​advocacy, and campaigning for better mental health ​services and understanding in society. They offer ​assistance to anyone facing mental health ​challenges, aiming to reduce stigma and improve ​overall mental well-being.

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Papyrus is a UK-based charity founded in 1997 that focuses on preventing young ​suicide. They provide support, advice, and resources to young people struggling with ​thoughts of suicide and those around them, aiming to raise awareness and reduce ​stigma surrounding mental health challenges in young individuals. Papyrus supports ​anyone under 35 who might be experiencing thoughts of suicide, as well as their ​friends and family, through helplines, workshops, and campaigns. Their mission is to ​save young lives and offer hope through confidential support and intervention.

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PANDAS Foundation UK

The PANDAS Foundation UK is a charity established to support ​individuals affected by pre and postnatal mental health issues. ​They were founded in 2011 and primarily assist those ​experiencing perinatal mental health challenges, including ​antenatal depression, postnatal depression, anxiety, OCD, and ​post-traumatic stress disorder following childbirth. The ​foundation offers helplines, support groups, and information ​resources to aid those facing these difficulties, aiming to reduce ​the stigma surrounding perinatal mental health and provide a ​supportive community for affected individuals and their ​families.

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Samaritans is a non-profit organization providing emotional support to ​those in distress, primarily through helplines. It was founded in 1953 by Chad ​Varah in the UK. Samaritans offer support to anyone in emotional distress, ​including those dealing with mental health issues, loneliness, and despair. ​Their mission revolves around preventing suicide by providing a confidential ​listening service for those in need, without judgment or pressure.

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SOBS, which stands for "Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide," is a charity dedicated ​to helping those who have been affected by the suicide of a loved one. It was ​founded in 1969 in the UK and provides support groups, counseling, and resources for ​individuals coping with the aftermath of a suicide loss. Their focus is on providing a ​safe space for people to share their experiences, find comfort, and receive emotional ​support while navigating the complex grief associated with such a loss.

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YoungMinds is a UK-based charity founded in 1993. They focus on ​supporting the mental health and wellbeing of young people, providing ​information, advice, and support to children, teenagers, and their families ​facing mental health challenges. The organization advocates for better ​mental health services, conducts research, and offers various resources to ​help young minds navigate and overcome mental health difficulties.

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Roster 23-24

Join Team Mental Health on our mission to make a difference! Throughout the ​year, we're dedicated to raising funds for our chosen mental health charities ​through engaging and enjoyable activities. Our goal extends beyond ​fundraising – we aim to create connections and support, helping individuals feel ​less isolated in their mental health journey.

Explore our player profiles below, click on their personal JustGiving pages, and ​discover why they are passionately supporting these vital causes. Together, let's ​make a positive impact on mental health and foster a sense of community and ​understanding.

Dean prescott


sponsor us

Join us in making a lasting impact on mental health by sponsoring Mental Health Hockey. ​We're on a mission to raise £15,000 for our eight chosen mental health charities, and your ​support can make a significant difference. With various sponsorship packages catering to all ​budgets, we welcome any level of contribution during these challenging times. Your ​partnership not only qualifies as a tax-deductible business expense but also provides exposure ​across national and international audiences connected to our team, players, and charity.

By aligning your brand with our cause, you'll share in the success and create a genuine ​connection to a meaningful initiative. Check out our sponsor document for more details, and ​feel free to contact us at mentalhealthicehockey@gmail.com for more information or to ​design a custom package.

Partner with us today and be part of a progressive and visionary experience.

We are so grateful to our sponsors for supporting Team Mind this year and helping us to raise vital funds for Mind UK

our sponsors

We are so grateful to our sponsors for supporting Team Mental Health ​Hockey this year and for helping us raise vital funds for our chosen ​Mental Health Charities.

Gold player sponsors

gemma ​bartholomew

MyScout Hockey

Archie ​Nelson

SILVER player sponsors

BRONZE player sponsors

Ben Heidemann Limited

Mental health support

If you're in crisis and need to talk right ​now, there are many helplines staffed by ​trained people ready to listen. They won't ​judge you, and could help you make sense ​of what you're feeling.

Click on the icons below for urgent support

Mental health communities

If you are feeling alone with your struggles and want to connect to others please check out these awesome mental health support groups and pages.

It's okay not to be okay!

In these challenging times, your support can make a tremendous impact on mental ​health initiatives. If you're able to contribute to any of our chosen charities, it would be ​truly amazing. To contribute, click on the button below to visit our team's JustGiving ​page. If you prefer a more personalized connection, explore our team page, where you ​can choose an individual player and support their selected charity. Every donation ​brings us one step closer to our collective goal of making a positive impact,and we are ​immensely grateful for your generosity.

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